Cover Letters

A cover letter is essentially a hand shake—your chance to introduce yourself.

Although it is short and to the point, the cover letter is important and it deserves your time and attention. The cover letter should be written specifically for each position because it is critical that the information be tailored to the job you are applying for. In three or four paragraphs, you will state the position you are applying for and how you heard about it, tell what skills you have and how those will benefit the company and declare your desire for a job interview.

Some additional points to remember:

  • Your name and contact information should appear at the top of your cover letter just as it appears on your resume.
  • Address the letter to the proper individual. Refrain from using “To whom it may concern,” “Dear Sirs,” or any other vague or gender exclusive greeting.
  • Consider your audience. Know what the employer is looking for in their employee and speak directly to those qualities and qualifications.
  • Project confidence in your ability to do the job. Do not use “I think,” “I feel” or “I believe” in your cover letter. These phrases leave room for subjective interpretation and make you appear less than confident in your abilities.
  • Don’t reveal hobbies or personal interest in your cover letter unless they relate specifically to the position you are applying for.
  • Don’t begin every sentence with “I.” Mix up your writing style and make the cover letter interesting to read.
  • Proofread several times. Be sure to spell the name of the company and the individual correctly.
  • Always include a cover letter any time you send or deliver your resume to a company. The cover letter always appears first in your application packet but is usually only read if you’re being considered for an interview.