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Other Major (AA.OTH)

The sequence below is for students seeking an associate degree to prepare for transfer to a university, but are pursuing a career path or major not offered at Lake Land College. The intent of this sample curriculum is to allow students to select appropriate coursework based on the major of interest and the school to which they wish to transfer. Coordination between the student and Academic Advisors at Lake Land College and the transfer school will guide the selected coursework.

This program follows Math Pathway #1. Math requirements for a specific major may vary from one institution to another. Please consult with an academic counselor or academic advisor to confirm the pathway that is applicable to your major and transfer institution.

Catalog Term Year:  

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First Year
First Semester


Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00


First Year
Second Semester


Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 4.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 6.00


Second Year
First Semester


Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 6.00

Second Year
Second Semester

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 3.00

Credit Hours: 12.00
