If you are unsure about choosing your college major, you can select an Exploratory Area of Study. This gives you the opportunity to explore academic options before deciding on a particular major. You'll also have the chance to work closely with an academic counselor to weigh the benefits of each major and develop a personalized education plan that fits your interests. Classes within each area of study have been carefully designed to allow you the chance to explore and move you forward toward your further educational and career goals.
In the Business area of study, you will have the opportunity to explore majors that prepare you to transfer or to immediately begin a successful career after graduation. Business leaders seek Lake Land College graduates because they know our students receive the advanced skills and experiences that add value to their company. This exploratory area of study includes a variety of majors that cover all aspects of business from ownership to sales and marketing, as well as the professional positions in medical and business settings that are at the center of the daily operations.
Students will study the writing process by reading essays illustrating a variety of rhetorical strategies, analyzing texts, and writing, revising, and editing short essays. Course is for students who have assessed into developmental English, receiving supplemental instruction for course completion.
Students develop a writing process by reading and analyzing texts that illustrate various rhetorical strategies as well as writing, revising and editing short essays. Minimally, students must compose four formal, revised writing assignments, having one reach at least 1,250 words.
Focuses on the nature and method of economics, basic supply and demand analysis, national income accounting, business cycles, inflation and unemployment, fiscal policy, money and banking, and monetary policy.
Covers the objectives, organization, and role of business in the free-enterprise system. The course is designed to provide an overview of the field of business and to provide a framework into which specialized fields may be studied.
An introduction to legal systems and law, especially the U.S. legal system. Business-legal relationships in the areas of criminal law, torts, product liability, and contracts are examined. Consumer, labor, and environmental law are studied.
Provides an opportunity for students to learn computer concepts and to use word processing, spreadsheet, database management, and presentation software. (Repeatable 3 Times)