First Semester | Hours | |
ENG-119 | Composition I Pathway ORENG-119Students will study the writing process by reading essays illustrating a variety of rhetorical strategies, analyzing texts, and writing, revising, and editing short essays. Course is for students who have assessed into developmental English, receiving supplemental instruction for course completion.
| |
ENG-120 | Composition I ENG-120Students will study the writing process by reading essays that illustrate a variety of rhetorical strategies, analyzing writing tasks and texts, and writing, revising, and editing short essays.
| 3.0 |
BIO-100 | Bio Science I BIO-100This course provides an introduction to the fundamental processes and structures common to all living things along with their applications to society.
| 4.0 |
MAT-130 | College Algebra MAT-130Review of the real number system, radicals, equations, and exponents, relations and functions, logarithms, complex numbers, polynomials, and theory of equations. A graphing calculator is required. A graphing calculator is required. Ask instructor for calculator recommendation.
| 3.0 |
PSY-271 | Intr/Psychology ORPSY-271Focuses on psychology as a science, presenting concepts, research methods and research in a variety of subfields, including neuroscience, sensation and perception, consciousness, learning and memory, cognition, motivation and emotion, development, personality, disorders and therapy and social psychology.
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--- --- | IAI Social/Behavioral --- ---
| 3.0 |
AGR-206 | Intro/Animal Science AGR-206Focuses on a study of beef, swine, sheep, poultry, and horses; and the scientific factors affecting nutrition, selection and genetics, products, environment, and physiology.
| 4.0 |
Semester Totals |
17.0 | |
Second Semester | ||
ENG-121 | Composition II ENG-121Students will learn how to find, use, assess and document research sources, producing an extended writing project based primarily on library research.
| 3.0 |
MAT-211 | Math Analysis ORMAT-211This course covers mathematical analysis of polynomial calculus with applications to business and social sciences. It includes the mathematics of finance, techniques and applications of differentiation & integration, optimization theory and area. Graphing calculator required.
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MAT-210 | Finite Mathematics MAT-210An introduction to Finite Mathematics, matrices, linear systems of equations and inequalities, linear programming, counting theory and probability.
| 3.0 |
AGR-205 | Intro/Soil Science AGR-205Application of the basics in the physical, chemical, and biological aspects in soils. Soils of Illinois and Indiana are emphasized along with concepts of fertility, conservation, and field descriptions.
| 4.0 |
ECO-231 | Principles of Economics I (Macro) ORECO-231Focuses on the nature and method of economics, basic supply and demand analysis, national income accounting, business cycles, inflation and unemployment, fiscal policy, money and banking, and monetary policy.
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--- --- | IAI Social/Behavioral Science --- ---
| 3.0 |
ART-250 | Understanding Art ORART-250A survey of the visual arts from Ancient to contemporary times, an understanding the major cultural and historical relationships to the art forms.
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--- --- | IAI Fine Arts --- ---
| 3.0 |
Semester Totals |
16.0 |
First Semester | Hours | |
COM-111 | Intro to Speech Communication COM-111Focuses on the fundamental principles and methods of selection, analyzing, organizing, developing and communicating information, evidence, and points of view to audiences.
| 3.0 |
CHM-120 | General, Organic and Biochemistry I ORCHM-120Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry including history, atomic theory, bonding, stoichiometry, gases, solids, solutions, chemical equilibria, acids, bases, salts, pH, and electrochemistry.
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CHM-150 | General Chemistry I CHM-150General principles of chemistry for students majoring in chemistry, engineering or science professions. Topics include atomic theory, bonding, stoichiometry, gas laws and thermochemistry.
| 4.0 |
AGR-208 | Intro/Ag Mechanization ORAGR-208Study of problems and laboratory exercises pointing to present and potential engineering applications in agriculture are presented. Emphasis is placed on farm power and machinery, soil and water control, electricity, and structures.
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HRT-201 | Introduction to Horticulture HRT-201A study and introduction to the principles and practices involved in the development, production, and use of horticultural crops (fruits, vegetables, greenhouse, turf, nursery, floral, and landscape). Course will include a broad overview of the green industry including propagation, production and design.
| 3.0 |
AGR-207 | Intro/Ag Economics AGR-207Principles of economics applied to problems in agriculture, marketing of agricultural products, agricultural policy and the role of agriculture in the U.S. and world economies.
| 4.0 |
HIS-250 | Western Civil to 1660 ORHIS-250A survey of the political, economic, cultural and social development of Western Civilization to 1660. Topics include prehistory, ancient near east, Greco-Roman world, Germanic migrations, middle ages, Renaissance and Reformation, and the beginnings of the Modern World.
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HIS-252 | West Civil/1660-Present ORHIS-252Survey of Western Civilization with topics including absolutism, the rise of modern science, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Ideology, Imperialism, the Russian Revolutions, World War I, the Rise of Totalitarianism, World War II and the Contemporary Age.
| |
--- --- | IAI Humanities/Fine Arts --- ---
| 3.0 |
Semester Totals | 17.0 | |
Second Semester | ||
CHM-121 | General, Organic and Biochemistry II ORCHM-121Study of organic and biological chemistry for students in allied health programs, agriculture, forestry, and other majors with comparable requirements.
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CHM-151 | General Chemistry II CHM-151Continuation of the General principles of chemistry for students majoring in chemistry, engineering or science professions. Topics include solids/liquids, solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
| 4.0 |
HIS-153 | History/Culture of Third World ORHIS-153The course will introduce the student to history and culture in the third world from ancient civilizations to the modern era. This course will focus upon broad themes in history and culture and will examine those themes in each major historical era.
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--- --- | IAI Humanities and Fine Arts --- ---
| 3.0 |
AGR-204 | Prin/Field Crop Science AGR-204Designed to develop a working and scientific knowledge of modern crop production as a germination, growth, reproduction, tillage, and weed control of agricultural field crops. Emphasis is also placed on fertility, diseases and insects.
| 4.0 |
POS-160 | American National Government ORPOS-160The fundamental principles of the American Government are summarized. Such topics as federalism, civil liberties, citizenship, parties and elections, the Presidency, Congress, Judiciary, and national policies and politics are discussed within the framework of the American Constitutional system.
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SOC-286 | Racial and Ethnic Groups ORSOC-286An examination of American racial and ethnic diversity with an attempt to understand racial and ethnic relations. The examination is made emphasizing the sociological perspective while including material from the other social sciences.
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--- --- | IAI Social/Behavioral Science --- ---
| 3.0 |
Semester Totals |
14.0 |
Total Program Hours | 64.0 |
Suggested Electives | ||
AGR-201 | Intro/Agriculture Education AGR-201An introduction to Agricultural Education programs including: delivery systems and policies; teaching in school and non-school settings; types of Agricultural Education; program components; approaches to teaching, teacher characteristics; community relationships; educational change and innovation; trends and developments in Agricultural Education.
| 3.0 |
AGR-064 | Beef/Dairy Production Skills AGR-064Prepares students with the necessary skills required in modern cattle production, the different methods and tools used to perform these skills and a close inspection of handling facilities.
| 1.5 |
AGR-065 | A.I. Management-Cattle AGR-065Provides a basic understanding of reproductive physiology and trains individuals to artificially inseminate beef or dairy cattle. Explains and gives hands-on experience in actual insemination producers.
| 1.5 |
AGR-071 | Swine Reproduction and A.I. AGR-071Trains individuals to understand reproductive physiology, semen collection and artificial insemination.
| 1.0 |
AGR-067 | Livestock Merchandising I AGR-067This course is a study in the planning and execution of a successful online livestock sale including topics on the diverse options of merchandising purebred and commercial livestock.
| 1.5 |