First Semester | Hours | |
BIO-226 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II BIO-226Continuation of BIO225, Human A & P I. Emphasis on human anatomy and physiology through the regional approach using human cadavers.
| 4.0 |
DHY-066 | Dental Histology & Embryology DHY-066This course is designed to increase the student's knowledge of the early embryonic development of the face and oral cavity and the process of tooth development. Included is the study of the microscopic structure of the tissues of the dentition and its supporting structures. (Repeatable 1 Time)
| 2.0 |
DHY-067 | Dental Anatomy DHY-067This course is designed to provide a thorough knowledge of the head, neck, teeth, and related structures. (Repeatable 1 Time)
| 2.0 |
DHY-068 | Dental Hygiene I DHY-068This course is designed to acquaint the beginning dental hygiene student with the duties and responsibilities in the clinical aspect of the profession and the role the hygienist plays in today's health.
| 3.0 |
DHY-069 | Pre-Clinic Hyg I DHY-069An introduction to the duties and basic skills the dental hygienist uses in daily clinical practice.
| 3.0 |
Semester Totals |
14.0 | |
Second Semester | ||
DHY-045 | Radiology DHY-045This course is designed to include the principles and biological effects of radiation in addition to safety measures used in dental radiology. Basic dental imaging principles and techniques will be stressed for dental hygiene interpretation.
| 3.0 |
DHY-071 | Dental Hygiene II DHY-071This course is a continuation of Dental Hygiene I, advanced instrumentation and evaluation of the patient's oral health are given greater attention. An introduction to emergencies in the dental office and a continuation of preventive dentistry and patient education are included.
| 3.0 |
DHY-072 | Preclinical Hygiene II DHY-072This course is a continuation of the development of clinical skills. Emphasis will be placed on prevention through patient education. The student will provide treatment for live patients.
| 2.5 |
DHY-080 | Pathology DHY-080This course gives a brief insight into general principles of pathology with heavy emphasis on specifics of oral pathology. Terminology will be taught in addition to description of oral diseases, lesions and their treatment and immunologic factors.
| 3.0 |
Semester Totals |
11.5 | |
Summer Term | ||
DHY-081 | Periodontology DHY-081This course focuses on the clinical aspects of the different forms of periodontal disease, and philosophy of treatment, the role of the dental hygienist in patient education for the prevention of periodontal problems, and the chairside management of these pathological conditions.
| 3.0 |
DHY-097 | Head & Neck Anatomy DHY-097Study of structure and function of head and neck. General anatomy of the skull, related muscles, vascular and nerve supply and lymphatics of the region considered. Focus on muscles of mastication and their relationship to the temporomandibular joint; facial and trigeminal nerves and their relationships to dental injections.
| 2.0 |
DHY-083 | Clinic I DHY-083This course requires the student to perform under supervision, a specific number of oral prophylaxis on a variety of patients. Some advanced skills will be introduced and experience is gained in sterilization and reception responsibilities.
| 3.0 |
Semester Totals |
8.0 |
First Semester | Hours | |
PSY-279 | Human Dev/Life Span PSY-279Study of theories, research methods and findings in physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development from conception through death.
| 3.0 |
DHY-085 | Nutrition for the Dental Hygienist DHY-085General nutrition and nutritional biochemistry emphasizing the effect nutrition has on oral health.
| 2.0 |
DHY-087 | Special Needs DHY-087This course provides for continuing advancement in further assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementing, evaluating, and documenting for individuals with special needs.
| 2.0 |
DHY-088 | Clinic II DHY-088This course is designed to improve the clinical skills of the dental hygiene student. This includes adapting to a variety of clinical procedures, care planning, and interventions. Focus is on total assessment of individual patient needs. (Repeatable 1 Time)
| 4.0 |
DHY-089 | Lab Proced/Dent Hyg DHY-089This course is a comprehensive study of the science of dental materials and their application in dental hygiene.
| 3.0 |
DHY-091 | Pain Management for Dental Hygienist DHY-091This course is designed to provide the dental hygiene student with the skills to manage patient discomfort. This includes topical anesthesia, local anesthesia, and nitrous oxide analgesia during dental hygiene services. This course complies with the Illinois Dental Practice Act. (Repeatable 1 Time)
| 2.0 |
DHY-096 | Community Dental Health DHY-096This course provides a study of the principles and methods in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating community dental health programs. Topics include epidemiology, research methodology, biostatistics, preventative dental care, dental health education, program planning, financing and utilization of dental services.
| 1.5 |
Semester Totals | 17.5 | |
Second Semester | ||
ENG-119 | Composition I Pathway ORENG-119Students will study the writing process by reading essays illustrating a variety of rhetorical strategies, analyzing texts, and writing, revising, and editing short essays. Course is for students who have assessed into developmental English, receiving supplemental instruction for course completion.
| |
ENG-120 | Composition I ENG-120Students develop a writing process by reading and analyzing texts that illustrate various rhetorical strategies as well as writing, revising and editing short essays. Minimally, students must compose four formal, revised writing assignments, having one reach at least 1,250 words.
| 3.0 |
SOC-280 | Introduction to Sociology SOC-280Study of human interaction focusing on social influences shaping personality, structure and dynamics of human society. Topics include: sociological perspective, culture, society, social interaction; social change in global perspective; socialization; families; social class; and social stratification; race and ethnicity; and deviance.
| 3.0 |
COM-111 | Intro to Speech Communication COM-111Focuses on the fundamental principles and methods of selecting, analyzing, organizing, developing and communicating information, evidence and points of view to audiences.
| 3.0 |
DHY-086 | Pharmacology DHY-086This course focuses on the study of drugs affecting the practice of dentistry.
| 2.0 |
DHY-092 | Dent Public Health DHY-092This course is designed to apply the dental hygiene process of care (assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation) learned in DHY 096 to the clients of the extended care facilities and to the students of the schools receiving the dental health presentations during dental health month.
| 1.0 |
DHY-050 | Ethics and Jurisprudence DHY-050This course is designed to give insight into the applications of dental hygiene practice. The development of professionalism, the Illinois Dental Practice Act, ethical principles, jurisprudence, and the organization of the American Dental Hygienists Association are topics that will be discussed.
| 1.5 |
DHY-094 | Clinic III DHY-094This course provides continued advancement of clinical skills. Students will apply evidence-based knowledge and understanding of the basic and clinical science to: recognize oral conditions, prevent oral disease, and provide effectively clinical and instructional procedures per patient. This course continues to focus on practicing safe and efficient clinical routines for the application of standard precautions for infection control.
| 4.0 |
DHY-098 | Transition to a RDH DHY-098This course examines the various issues that are faced by dental hygienists when making the transition from school to the workplace. It will focus on the different aspects of obtaining a license and seeking employment including creating employment documents, interviewing, and mentorship opportunities.
| 1.5 |
Semester Totals |
19.0 |
Total Program Hours | 70.0 |
Suggested Electives | ||
DHY-043 | Dental Hygiene Board Review DHY-043Generalized review of dental hygiene curriculum that helps to prepare the student to take the National Dental Hygiene Board Examination.
| 1.0 |