If you are unsure about choosing your college major, you can select an Exploratory Area of Study. This gives you the opportunity to explore academic options before deciding on a particular major. You'll also have the chance to work closely with an academic counselor to weigh the benefits of each major and develop a personalized education plan that fits your interests. Classes within each area of study have been carefully designed to allow you the chance to explore and move you forward toward your further educational and career goals.
In the Transportation area of study, you'll prepare for a career that keeps vehicles on the road and connects people and products to their destinations. If it's automotive you are interested in, you'll learn diagnostic, mechanical, and repair skills in a newly renovated service lab. In the CDL program, you'll prepare for an in-demand career as a truck driver, providing goods that keep our economy going.
This course is a study of chemicals, shop safety and operations, tools and equipment, and careers in automotive technology. Techniques associated with electrical/electronics, heating and air conditioning, engine repair, brakes, steering and suspension, and engine performance will be discussed.
This course is a study of the principles of electricity and electrical circuit design and diagnosing. Covers battery diagnosis and service. Starting Systems diagnosis and repair will be discussed.
This course is a study of engine design, diagnosis, removal, cylinder head and valve train repair. Short block repair, lubricating systems, cooling systems will be discussed and hands on reassembly of the engine is included.
This course is a study of steering systems, front and rear suspension systems. It also covers basic wheel alignment, diagnosis and repair culminating in complete four wheel computerized alignment.