The certificate in Retail Management program prepares students for a career in the retailing industry. The program is designed to build the knowledge and expertise of both those who wish to work for an established retail chain, or those who plan to own and operate an independent retailing business. All courses satisfactorily completed in this certificate program will apply to the associate in applied science degree with a major in management.
Program requirements may change over time. Specific degree/graduation requirements are determined by a degree audit.
Covers the objectives, organization, and role of business in the free-enterprise system. The course is designed to provide an overview of the field of business and to provide a framework into which specialized fields may be studied.
Examines the managerial processes of planning, developing, and controlling human resources within the organization. Special emphasis will be placed on the areas of recruiting, selection, training, labor relations, salary, and benefit administration. Transfers as elective credit only.
Provides an overview of how managers utilize planning, organization, leadership, and control in order to ensure that a firm achieves its goals in the most efficient way possible.
Designed for those owning or planning to become owners of a retail business, those involved or planning to become involved in the management function of a retail business, and/or those desiring a general knowledge of retailing as an institution.
Provides an opportunity for students to learn computer concepts and to use word processing, spreadsheet, database management, and presentation software. (Repeatable 3 Times)
An introduction to basic accounting principles and techniques designed to give the student a general knowledge of accounting practices and terminology. Students will work through the accounting cycle for both a service and retail business.