
Admission Requirements for Non-degree Seeking Students

Non-degree students are those students who wish to enroll in courses at Lake Land College but are not pursuing a degree or certificate of 24 or more credit hours. Non-degree students are exempt from completing the Lake Land College placement test or submitting their ACT/SAT scores unless:

  • The student wishes to enroll in an English, reading or math course. Students wishing to register for an ENG, RDG or MAT course must have the appropriate placement score or a transcript verifying successful completion of the prerequisite course. Students may present their transcript to the Admissions and Records Office or Counseling Services. While an official transcript is not required for placement purposes, in order to receive Lake Land College credit for any courses completed at another college, students must send an official transcript and a transcript evaluation request to the Admissions and Records Office. Students who have taken the ACT/SAT may choose to use their ACT/SAT scores instead of taking the placement test. In order to use ACT/SAT scores, students must request that a copy of their scores be sent to Lake Land College directly from ACT/SAT. Information about requesting ACT test scores is available at www.act.org, while information about request SAT scores is available at www.collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat. Students who have not successfully completed high school or college geometry, or who do not have a transcript on file documenting completion of the course, will be required to enroll in a college geometry course before enrolling in a MAT 100 or higher course.
  • The student is changing from non-degree status to degree-status.