
Security Report

Crime reporting policy, procedures and responses

Students and college employees may report criminal activity directly to the College’s Police Department, which is the primary law enforcement agency on campus. Emergencies may also be reported by dialing 911. The Police Department investigates all reports of criminal activity, maintains documentation of such reports, and takes the appropriate action based on the level of evidence obtained. Students and employees may report criminal activity confidentially to the Police Department. If the victim of any crime does not wish to pursue prosecution or other law enforcement response, the alleged crime will still be reported in the annual crime report assuming it falls into one of the categories of reportable offenses.

If criminal activity is reported confidentially to other college officials to include athletic staff, counselors, and health services these professionals should relay the information to the Police Department for documentation. The identity of the reporting person will remain confidential.

Access to campus facilities

Students and employees are allowed access to campus facilities during times when the facilities are open for business or educational purposes. The entrances to campus buildings are locked when not in use for classes or business. During times when buildings are locked, police officers are available to permit access to authorized persons who do not have a key. Employees accessing campus facilities after hours must call the Police Department when they arrive on campus, and when they leave, per board policy. Students using campus facilities after hours must be supervised by a college employee except in those cases as may be exempt per board policy.

Security considerations used in maintenance

The College’s Maintenance Department keeps security of persons in mind when implementing various projects. Maintenance of sidewalks and parking surfaces to minimize the likelihood of injury, monitoring and adding lighting in key areas, and maintaining reliable backup sources of power are just a few examples of the College’s commitment to security through maintenance.

Enforcement and arrest authority of campus police

Lake Land College police officers are on duty twenty four hours a day, 365 days per year. All officers are state certified sworn police officers with arrest authority. The Police Department is the primary law enforcement agency for campus. Off campus sites are under the jurisdiction of the local police department.

Working relationship with state and local police

The Lake Land College Police Department has a signed mutual aid agreement with the Mattoon Police Department and the Coles County Sheriff’s Department. The Police Department is proud of the fact that we maintain an excellent working relationship with all local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.

Encouragement of prompt reporting of crimes

All persons with knowledge of criminal activity are encouraged to immediately make a report to the Police Department.

Timely warning

Lake Land College provides a Crime Advisory to the College community when certain crimes, defined by the Clery Act, occur on the Lake Land College campus or in close proximity to the campus and the crime represents a serious or continuing threat to members of the campus community. Crime Advisories may be issued by the Lake Land College Police Department, Vice President for Student Services or other designated offices. The Lake Land College Police Department consults with local law enforcement, including the City of Mattoon Police Department, regarding any incidents that may require a Crime Advisory or emergency response. Crime Advisories may also be issued for non‐Clery Act crimes.

Crime Advisory notifications are issued within a reasonable amount of time (generally within two working days) after the incident has been reported to Lake Land College Police. Such situations are evaluated on a case‐by‐case basis taking into account the frequency of offense, likelihood for additional occurrence, continuing danger to the campus community, and risk of compromising law enforcement efforts to resolve the case in a timely manner. When appropriate, status updates as to the resolution and/or disposition of the crime or incident will be similarly disseminated and updated as soon as possible.

Crime Advisory notifications are issued using a variety of methods including, but not limited to, text and email alerts and the Lake Land College website.  Each Crime Advisory notice contains a short description of the crime or incident, time and date, location, reported offense, weapon used (if any), suspect vehicle (if any), and method of operation used to facilitate the crime.

Sex offense procedures

If a sex offense occurs on campus, the Police Department should be notified immediately. Officers will follow the department policy regarding investigation of sex offenses. This policy regulates the collection of evidence, coordination of off campus law enforcement personnel if appropriate, and victim assistance. Priority is given to the interests and needs of the victim, and all means available to ensure the victim’s privacy and to minimize his or her emotional trauma will be utilized. The victim’s academic situation will be changed upon request if reasonably possible.

In addition to initiating a criminal investigation, the Police Department will forward all information to the office of the Vice President for Student Services for possible disciplinary action. Both the accuser and the accused have the same right (if any) to have others present during disciplinary hearings or proceedings and both parties will be notified of the outcome of any such hearings or proceedings.

Possession, use, and sale of alcohol and drugs

Possession, use, and sale of alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited on the Lake Land College campus with the exception of those instances where authorized per Board Policy 11.12 – Alcohol and Drugs. Violations are reported to the office of the Vice President for Student Services. In addition, the Police Department has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding illegal drug and alcohol use, and arrests are made for all such violations.

Assisting victims of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking

If anyone has reason to believe that an offense of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking has occurred on campus, they are encouraged to notify the Police Department immediately. The Police Department will conduct an investigation per department policies, and arrests will be made if probable cause is established. If the victim does not wish to contact the police, or does not wish to identify the suspect or pursue criminal charges, the incident should be reported to a counselor or other professional who can assist the victim with his or her physical and emotional needs. In addition to any criminal investigation, the College will conduct a separate internal investigation if the alleged offender is a student or employee. The College will use the standard “preponderance of evidence” in determining whether the alleged offender will be disciplined. Discipline will be administered per board policy and the student code of conduct.

In addition to assistance on campus, college officials will make the victim aware of services available to them in the community including, but not limited to, the Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CADV) and the Coles County Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Service (SACIS).  Informational flyers from these agencies are available in the Police Department and can be obtained by any college employee who needs to distribute them.

If the victim is a student, his or her academic situation will be changed upon request if reasonably possible.  If the victim is an employee, his or her work situation will be changed upon request if reasonably possible.

Statistical Information

Criminal Homicide: 0 0 0
Sex Offenses (forcible): 0 0 0
Sex Offenses (non-forcible): 0 0 0
Robbery: 0 0 0
Aggravated Assault: 0 0 0
Burglary: 0 0 1
Motor Vehicle Theft: 0 1 0
Arson: 0 0 0
Liquor Law Violations: 0 0 1
Drug Law Violations: 0 0 0
Illegal Weapons Possession: 0 0 0
Domestic Violence: 0 0 3*
Dating Violence: 0 0 1
Sexual Assault: 0 0 0
Stalking: 0 0 0

*Non-campus property

To report a crime or suspicious activity, call the Police Department at 234-5432. After hours, or if no answer, call 232-1908.