
The Navigator

The Navigator is Lake Land College’s award-winning student newspaper and is produced by the students for the students every month during the fall and spring semesters. The 8-12 page tabloid combines news, features, sports, entertainment and information about upcoming events on campus.

At Lake Land College we do not exercise prior review and, therefore, The Navigator is the product of student efforts. The newspaper is not just for journalism and English majors. In fact, working the The Navigator can provide you with skills in writing, business, computers, advertising, public relations and more. No experience is necessary, as we offer training sessions for new employees. Like to travel? Each year, the staff travels to three conferences across the state and nation to improve their skills in journalism.

The Navigator has earned numerous awards from the Illinois Community College Journalism Association and has eight paid positions including Managing Editor, News and Opinion Editor, Sports and Entertainment Editor, Campus and Features Editor, Layout and Design Editor, Photo/Web Editor, Copy Editor and Business Manager. The Student Life Office is now accepting applications for The Navigator staff.